
Welcome! My name is Nikki and I’m so grateful you’re here!

Gemini Wanderlust is where I share what I’ve learned from the past 6 years of soap making and other personal care products. I’m really good at making all this, oftentimes, complex information about ingredients, simple to understand.

Here are some fun facts about me…

  1. I have two kiddos. My son is 21 and my daughter is 14.
  2. I’m an ex-pat living in Germany for the past 5 years und Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch.
  3. Huge sci-fi fan and have been to two Comic Cons.
  4. I can spend hours in a craft store (just because).
  5. I love exploring all things historical.
  6. Books are my love language
  7. I’m an introvert so sometimes have a hard time “peopling” but work through it.
  8. I find making soap relaxing.
  9. Creating things brings me joy.
  10. I’m currently in college for graphic and web design.